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Contact us

One question, one information, this is here ! Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be delighted to answer you.

Domaine des Pierres Blanches

Christina and Philippe PINCEMIN

142 Route de la Bénéchie - Limejouls

24370 CARLUX

[email protected]

+33 6 10 24 34 78

+33 7 81 40 44 34

+33 5 53 28 57 31

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How to join us

By car

Motorway A20 (Paris / Toulouse), exit Souillac then direction Sarlat where you will have only 12 km to go to arrive at the Domaine des Pierres Blanches in Limejouls, commune of Carlux.

By plane

Nearest airport : Brive (29km), then Bergerac or Toulouse

By train

Souillac (9km) or Sarlat stations: we are available to pick you up.

Domaine Des Pierres Blanches

142 Route de La Bénéchie, CARLUX, 24370, France

GPS coordinates: Lat 44.53.33N - Long. 001.23.03E (or1.23.3E).